2009年1月7日 星期三

PHP: Easy Tabs for your webpages

PHP: Easy Tabs for your webpages

Easy tabs is a short and simple php class that makes it very easy to have tabbed dialogs in your webpages.


$tabs = new tabs("mytabs");
// Tab1's content goes here....
// Tab2's content goes here...


Here we just create 3 tabs and put some text in each one.

$tabs = new tabs("example1");
$tabs->start("Tab #1");
echo "This is tab number one.<br/>";
$tabs->start("Tab #2");
echo "This is tab number two.<br/>";
$tabs->start("Tab #3");
echo "This is tab number three.<br/>";

View Example or Download Source

For a bit of a more complicated example, we use the forms class from a previous article to put some simple forms in each tab.

function Form1_Button1_Clicked(&$data,&$error){
$error .= "You clicked button 1 on Form 1!<br/>";
return true;
function Form2_Button1_Clicked(&$data,&$error){
$error .= "You clicked button 1 on Form 2!<br/>";
return true;
$tabs = new tabs("example2");
$tabs->start("Form 1");
$form = new form("form1");
$element = new form_element_text("field1","Field 1","This is field 1");
$element = new form_element_text("field2","Field 2","This is field 2");
$element = new form_button("Button 1","Form1_Button1_Clicked");
if ($form->submitted){ $tabs->active = "Form 1"; }
$tabs->start("Form 2");
$form = new form("form2");
$element = new form_element_text("field1","Field 1","This is field 1");
$element = new form_element_text("field2","Field 2","This is field 2");
$element = new form_element_text("field3","Field 3","This is field 3");
$element = new form_button("Button 1","Form2_Button1_Clicked");
if ($form->submitted){ $tabs->active = "Form 2"; }

View Example or Download Source


If you would like to use Easy Tabs you can download and include the tabs.php file below.

Also included is a sample tabs.css file to get you started on styling it to fit your website.
